ECO4 Scores


This page contains the ECO4 full project scores matrix and partial project scores matrix.

Each measure or project completed under ECO4 receives a score which determines the contribution made towards a supplier’s Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO). Scores are based on the annual bill saving achieved by a measure or package of measures when installed in an eligible domestic premises.

Guidance on the partial project scores and full project scores can be found in Chapter 6 of the ECO4 Delivery guidance. Further information on the development of the scores is published on our ECO4 scoring consultation decision.

Full Project Scores Matrix version updates

Version 2 (13 June 2022)

The full project scores matrix originally published on 11 May 2022 was updated due to legislative requirements. Projects with a post-project SAP rating of Low A or High A are to be treated as High B. Therefore, full project scores with a post project rating of Low A and High A have been reduced to equal the corresponding full project scores with a post project rating of high B.

Partial Project Scores Matrix version updates

Version 6 (18 July 2024)

This version includes additional scores under existing measure types, where it was noted that some pre/post main heat source combinations had been omitted in earlier matrix versions. The scores in this matrix may be used for measures installed from 14 August 2023 onwards. 

Changes compared to version 5 are: 

Additional scores are provided under the ESH_Upgrade measure type for: 

  • post main heat source ‘High Heat Retention Storage Heaters’ with the pre main heat sources – ‘Gas Fire with Back Boiler’, ‘Gas Room Heaters’, ‘Bottled LPG Boiler’, ‘Solid Fossil Room Heaters’, and ‘Electric Boiler’

Additional scores are provided under the B_Upgrade_nopreHCs measure type for:

  • post main heat sources 'Biomass Boiler' and 'ASHP/Gas Boiler Hybrid' with pre main heat source 'Condensing Gas Boiler'  
  • post main heat source ‘GSHP’ with the pre main heat source, ‘Air to Water ASHP’ 

Additional scores are provided under the B_Upgrade_preHCs measure type for:  

  • post main heat sources 'Biomass Boiler' and 'ASHP/Gas Boiler Hybrid' with pre main heat source 'Condensing Gas Boiler'  
  • post main heat source ‘GSHP’ with the pre main heat source, ‘Air to Water ASHP’
  • post main heat sources 'Fuel Cell mCHP', 'GSHP', 'Air to Water ASHP', 'Biomass Boiler', 'Condensing Gas Boiler', 'ASHP/Gas Boiler Hybrid' with pre main heat source 'Gas Back Boiler to Radiators'

Version 5 (19 October 2023)

Version 5 can be used for measures installed from 14 August 2023 onwards. 

Changes compared to version 4 are: 

  • additional scores are provided under the ESH_Upgrade measure type, with the pre main heat source ‘Electric Room Heaters’
  • scores for the installation of electric boilers have been removed

Version 4 (12 July 2023)

This version reflects the legislative amendment to ECO4 that came into force on 14th August 2023. Please use ECO4 Partial Project Scores Matrix v4 from this date onwards.

Changes have been made to the solar PV measure type.

The changes to the solar PV measure type correspond to a new requirement in v1.2 of the ECO4 Data Dictionary in relation to this measure type. Multiple variants of the solar PV measure type have been provided in the updated matrix to enable this. 

Version 3 (19 April 2023)

Four sets of scores/score variants have been added:

  • boiler upgrade and first-time central heating scores with air source heat pump/gas boiler hybrid post main heat source
  • boiler upgrade scores with efficient electric storage heater (ESH) pre main heat source and air to water air source heat pump post main heat source
  • smart thermostat scores with air to water ASHP pre main heat source
  • boiler upgrade with pre-existing heating controls, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves (TRV) scores with bottled LPG boiler pre main heat source

Version 2 (25 October 2022)

Three sets of scores/score variants have been added:

  • scores for the insulation of park homes (PHI)
  • boiler upgrade scores with room heater pre-main heat sources
  • first time central heating scores with the electric storage heater pre-main heat source
  • corrections have been made to some heat source and measure category names
  • post-main heat source ‘mCHP’ corrected to ‘Fuel Cell mCHP’
  • post-main heat source ‘Shared ground loop GSHP’ corrected to ‘Shared Ground Loop GSHP’
  • pre and Post-main heat sources ‘DHS_CHP’ and ‘DHS_non-CHP’ corrected to ‘DHS CHP’ and ‘DHS non-CHP’ respectively
  • measure category ‘Uplift’ corrected to ‘Fixed Value Increase’

If you have a query about the scores or their use, contact us at