Feed-in Tariffs (FIT)

About the FIT scheme

The FIT scheme closed to new applicants from 1 April 2019.

Read more about the FIT scheme closure.

The Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme was designed by government to promote the uptake of renewable and low-carbon electricity generation.

Introduced on 1 April 2010, the scheme requires participating licensed electricity suppliers to make payments on electricity generated and exported by accredited installations.

The scheme’s legal framework is contained in the Feed-in Tariffs Order 2012 (as amended) and the Standard Conditions of Electricity Supply License.

Who’s the scheme for?

Anyone who had installed an eligible installation that uses one of the following technology types could apply for accreditation:

  • solar photovoltaic (solar PV)
  • wind
  • micro combined heat and power (Micro CHP)
  • hydro
  • anaerobic digestion (AD)

Installations could have a capacity of up to 5 megawatt, or 2 kilowatt for Micro CHP.

Since February 2016, the number of new installations that could be accredited under the scheme each ‘tariff period’ (for most technology types, every 3 months) was capped. For more information on these deployment caps, see our deployment caps reports page.

How does the scheme work?

There are two types of participant on the FIT scheme:

  • FIT generators – the owners of accredited installations
  • FIT licensees – licensed electricity suppliers who registered applications and make FIT payments for the electricity produced by accredited installations.

FIT generators registered with their choice of FIT licensee, from whom they receive payments at least quarterly for the electricity their accredited installations generate and export. These payments are based on meter readings that FIT generators submit to their FIT licensee.

FIT generators receive support for between 10 and 25 years depending on technology type, capacity, when their installation was commissioned, and whether it was previously accredited under the Renewables Obligation scheme.

The costs of the scheme are then spread across all licensed electricity suppliers in Great Britain through the ‘levelisation’ process, based on their share of the electricity supply market. See our levelisation FAQs for more information on levelisation. 

Ofgem's role

Administration of the FIT scheme is split between Ofgem and FIT Licensees. Much of the day-to-day administration of the scheme is handled by FIT Licensees, including:

  • making FIT payments
  • taking and verifying meter readings
  • handling complaints
  • updating generator details

The aspects of the scheme which Ofgem administer include:

  • running the Central FIT Register and the Renewables and CHP Register - the databases of all accredited installations
  • publishing reports and data
  • processing ROO-FIT applications
  • managing fuelling and sustainability requirements for AD installations.
  • running the levelisation process
  • ensuring suppliers comply with the FIT scheme requirements.

The FIT scheme policy and tariff rates are set by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Scheme changes

Future changes

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Previous changes

Unless otherwise noted, these changes have been introduced through amendments to the Feed-in Tariffs Order 2012 or Standard Conditions of Electricity Supply License. A full list of these amendments can be found on the FIT Amendment Orders and Amended Licence Conditions page.

If you don’t understand a term being used, please see our glossary of key terms.

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