Decision letter for Ofgem’s Call for Volunteers – FSO Codes Change Programme

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network

Today we have published our decision on the membership of the Cross-Code Workgroup (CCWG) to develop the industry code changes required for the establishment of the Future System Operator (FSO).

The document below contains our decision on CCWG membership, and our response to stakeholder feedback to our Call for Volunteers.

Confirmed members of the CCWG (not including nominated alternates):

  • Alan Creighton – Industry, Northern Powergrid
  • Anne Walmsley – Project Management Office (PMO), Ofgem
  • Carly Malcolm – Senior Responsible Officer (SRO), Ofgem
  • Chris Welby – Chair, Independent
  • Christopher McCann – Code Admin, Energy Networks Association (ENA)
  • Dave Turpin – Industry, Xoserve
  • David Mitchell – Industry, Scotia Gas Networks (SGN)
  • Dylan Townsend – Code Admin, Electralink
  • Ipshita Sen – PMO, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (the Department)
  • Gareth Evans – Industry, I&C Shippers and Suppliers (ICoSS) Group
  • Garth Graham – Industry, Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE)
  • Kristian Marr – SRO, Ofgem
  • Lawrence Jones – Project Partner, Elexon
  • Mark Dunk – Code Admin, ENA
  • Nicholas Brown – Project Partner, Elexon
  • Phil Lucas – Project Partner, National Gas Transmission (NGT)
  • Richard Woodward – Industry, National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET)
  • Rob Wilson – Project Partner, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NG ESO)
  • Steve Quinn – Industry, National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED)
  • Suzanne Law – Industry, Scottish and Southern Energy Networks (SSEN) Transmission

The inaugural session of the CCWG will be held on 19 October 2023. We expect the CCWG to meet bi-monthly thereafter, and to focus on developing code change proposals to facilitate FSO Day 1 roles.

We will publish regular updates on the progress of the CCWG, as well as the project timeline, as appropriate.