Call for Volunteers – FSO Codes Change Programme

Call for input
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Industry sector
Transmission Network

Our response to stakeholder feedback on this Call for Volunteers, was published on Wednesday 18 October 2023.

In April 2022, Ofgem and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (the Department) decided to proceed with the creation of a new, independent Future System Operator (FSO), an impartial, expert body designed to accelerate the transition towards Net Zero, whilst ensuring energy security, and minimising costs for consumers.

Ofgem and the Department intend to use provisions of the Energy Bill (once enacted), to consult on and subsequently amend the licencing regime and industry codes, as required for the establishment of the FSO (described in the Energy Bill as the Independent System Operator and Planner or ISOP). We may also decide to use existing powers, or Energy Bill powers, to enact temporary modifications to industry codes and licences to progress necessary updates to industry codes, contracts and systems.

This Call for Volunteers invites expressions of interest from industry stakeholders who would like to participate in a dedicated Cross-Code Workgroup (CCWG) to develop the industry code modifications required for the establishment of the FSO.

We have worked with Project Partners, National Grid Electricity System Operator, National Gas Transmission, and Elexon, to identify code text which we believe requires modification. Annex 1, published alongside our main document, describes the issues we have identified, categories of change, and proposed code modification solutions based on this analysis.

We hope to convene the first meeting of the CCWG in early Autumn. An update to this Call for Volunteers and Annex 1 will be provided in due course, including the names of constituent members of the CCWG and indicative project timelines.

Respond name

Kristian Marr and Carly Malcolm

Respond telephone

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