Working Documents - Work Stream Six

Correspondence and other
Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

This page will be regularly updated with the latest versions of working documents from work stream six. These documents are either still in the draft stage or exist to assist the group in developing its outputs.

The documents attached to the bottom of this page were prepared in advance of the work stream six meeting on 7 August 2014.

The following documents can be found attached below:

  • Work stream six April 2014 interim report – An interim report from work stream six to mark the half way point in the group's progress against its terms of reference. The report was presented to the April Smart Grid Forum meeting. The version here is the final version, incorporating comments from the Smart Grid Forum and other stakeholders.

  • Industrial and commercial options matrix - A matrix developed by work stream six to help identify the opportunities and potential barriers to industrial and commercial customers’ interaction with a smart grid.

  • Domestic customer options matrix – A matrix developed by work stream six to help identify the opportunities and potential barriers to domestic customers’ interaction with a smart grid.

  • Distributed generation options matrix - A matrix developed by work stream six to help identify the opportunities and potential barriers to distributed generation customers’ interaction with a smart grid.

  • Domestic options requirements matrix – A table setting out the likely data, billing and communications requirements for each domestic engagement option identified in the March 2014 report.

  • Non-domestic options requirements matrix - A table setting out the likely data, billing and communications requirements for each non-domestic engagement option identified in the March 2014 reports.

  • International smart grid examples - A folder containing information gathered by DNOs about international smart grid projects.

  • Circumstances in which DNOs will use DSR- A folder containing tables completed by DNOs explaining the circumstances in which they are likely to use particular DSR services.

  • Storage matrix -  A matrix developed by work stream six to help identify the services which could be offered by storage facilities. The matrix also seeks to show where potential barriers to the use of storage might arise.

  • Paper on the role of storage - A report prepared for work stream six on the commercial and regulatory challenges of implementing smart grid solutions.

  • Papers on the development of smart grid services - Two papers prepared for work stream six. First, on the development of smart grid services offered by generators connected to the distribution network. Second, on the development of demand side response.