UK Energy Incubator HUB Ltd: Notice of decision not to make Final Order


Publication date


Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Licence type

  • Electricity Supply Licence
  • Gas Supplier Licence

On 7 July 2022, the Authority issued a Notice of Proposal to make a Final Order on UK Energy Incubator HUB Ltd (“UKEIH”) pursuant to section 29(1) Gas Act 1986 and section 26(1) of the Electricity Act 1989. The Authority proposed to make a Final Order to require UKEIH to comply with Standard Licence Condition (“SLC”) 4C (Ongoing fit and proper requirement.)

Representations or objections with respect to the proposed Final Order were invited to be made to the Authority by 5pm on Thursday 28 July 2022. No representations were received in response to the consultation.

On 9 July 2022, UKEIH ceased trading and its licence was revoked shortly thereafter. As such, the Authority has decided not to proceed with issuing the final order. For the avoidance of doubt, no finding of non-compliance (or otherwise) has been made by the Authority in this matter (in respect of UKEIH or any other relevant party) and the Authority’s investigation has now been discontinued.

Notice of Proposal to make a Final Order are issued in certain circumstances in accordance with the statutory framework on Final Orders pursuant to section 28(1) Gas Act 1986 and section 25(1) of the Electricity Act 1989 and where certain conditions are satisfied.

Further information regarding Notices to make a Final Order and Final Orders is contained within our Enforcement Guidelines. For further information relating to this Notice of Proposal to make a Final Order and Notice of decision not to make Final Order, please see the documents below.