Standing charges – call for input

Call for input
  • Open
  • Closed

Publication date

Closed date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

This call for input is the first part of our discussion paper to engage with the debate on and whether we need to make changes.  

The discussion paper outlines: 

  • what standing charges are 

  • standing charges, network charges and the price cap 

  • how we expect standing charges to change in the future 

  • standing charges and the domestic retail market 

  • standing charges and the non-domestic retail market 

Who should respond 

We want hear views from: 

  • energy sector, including suppliers 

  • consumer groups 

  • charities 

  • consumers

We will also be holding focus groups with stakeholders such as Citizens Advice and charities. 

The feedback to the discussion paper will help with any further policy development. Until then, we will continue to work closely with the government and engage with the energy sector, consumer groups and other stakeholders. 

How to respond 

Please send your feedback by Friday 19 January 2024. You can send your views to us by emailing

Respond name

James Crump

Respond telephone