RIIO-ED1 Business plan assessment and fast-tracked consultation

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Industry sector
Distribution Network

This consultation summarises our assessment of the 14 distribution network operators’ (DNOs) business plans for the next price control period, RIIO-ED1.  We consider that only Western Power Distribution’s (WPD) plans are of sufficiently high quality across the board to be finalised early (‘fast-tracked’) subject to the outcome of our consultations. We provide more detail on our assessment in the supplementary annex.

Our Draft Determinations for WPD consults on the details of their price control settlement.

We have provided a subsidiary annex to our main assessment of RIIO-ED1 business plans and fast-tracking. See documents below called RIIO-ED1 business plan expenditure assessment - methodology and results or Fast track comparisons.

It provides a more detailed, and technical, explanation of our assessment of the expenditures proposed in the electricity distribution companies’ business plans for the next distribution price control (RIIO-ED1). We provide more details on the results of our assessment, and detailed explanations of the methodologies we used.

Respond name

Anna Rossington

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