Revised Minded-to Decision and further consultation on Pathway to 2030

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In May 2022, we issued a minded-to decision and further consultation on the delivery model for non-radial offshore transmission assets under the Pathway to 2030 (PT2030) workstream of the Offshore Transmission Network Review (OTNR). In that publication, we proposed a very late competition generator build delivery model. Based on consultation feedback and the publication of the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) Holistic Network Design (HND), we have revised our position.

This document outlines our revised minded-to decision to expand the choices available to developers in the delivery of non-radial offshore transmission assets. In particular, we are proposing to give developers the choice of either a very late competition generator build model or a late competition offshore transmission owner (OFTO) build model for delivery of non-radial offshore transmission assets.

We further outline our minded-to decision to extend the option for Anticipatory Investment (AI) for assets within the scope of the PT2030 workstream, in a similar way that this policy applies to the projects within the Early Opportunities workstream.

This document is published alongside an additional draft impact assessment, which sets out our analysis of the impact of our minded-to decision.

Respond name

Cher-Rae Fairlie/Viljami Yli-Hemminki