Protecting consumers who receive backbills: Statutory consultation

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

This statutory consultation invites views on our proposal to introduce a licence obligation around backbilling.

In 2007, we outlined a principle on backbilling, which set out that suppliers should not backbill consumers for unbilled consumption older than 12 months. A number of industry participants have translated the backbilling principle into a set of voluntary arrangements for both domestic and microbusiness consumers.

We have monitored the way backbilling protections are delivered by industry since 2007. In April 2017, we set out that we were launching a project to examine the regulatory framework governing energy backbilling, as we were concerned that not all suppliers had appropriate backbilling policies in place. This statutory consultation sets out the licence changes we propose following our review.

Respond name

Dennis Berg

Respond telephone