Guidance: Derogation requests for renewable tariffs from the default tariff cap


Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

This document sets out our guidance on the process for requesting a derogation from the default tariff cap for renewable tariffs. This guidance document explains:

  • how to apply for a derogation
  • the evidence we expect suppliers to provide when requesting a derogation
  • how we will assess applications for a derogation.

This guidance will be kept under review and may from time to time be updated.

We have also published a derogation application form and renewable financial information template that suppliers will need to complete to apply for a derogation. The derogation application form sets out the minimum information (in a template form) that we require to assess the derogation request for both electricity and gas tariffs. If you think that there is additional information that will assist your application, it should also be submitted.

We will use the information provided in the application form and in the Excel sheet derogation template, to assess whether the tariffs being requested for a derogation qualify.