Covid-19: Amendments to RIIO-1 Network Price Control Processes for 2020

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network

This document summarises the changes to the RIIO-1 network price control processes, including regulatory reporting arrangements, agreed for 2020 in response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Our overarching objective in working with the network companies during this period remains:

  • to ensure that customer needs are met, particularly the most vulnerable,
  • to maintain secure, reliable and safe supplies of energy to consumers in the short to medium term; and
  • to ensure the safety and protection of consumers and the workforce.

Any changes agreed are intended to enable network companies to focus on these objectives by providing additional flexibility for regulatory reporting deadlines where this may be required and ensuring all other processes can be delivered sensibly in line with the external climate at this time.

These changes apply to 2020 only. Any arrangements not covered in the document remain unchanged at this stage. We will, however, keep these arrangements under review, making any amendments where it is necessary to do so.