Aggregators: Barriers and External Impacts: a report by PA Consulting

Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market

This report by PA Consulting reviews the position of independent Aggregators in the provision of Demand Side Response services in the GB electricity market, considering any barriers to their ability to provide these services, the materiality of these barriers and hence potential consumer detriment; and the nature of any policy intervention if required to address these barriers.

This is a short timescale qualitative review to inform high level consideration of the area, and as such considers a relatively short-term time horizon. This document has informed our thinking on Aggregators and is provided here as a complementary document to our Smart, Flexible Energy System call for evidence.

The report represents the views of PA Consulting and not necessarily those of Ofgem.