Decision on the Final Project Assessment of the Viking Link interconnector to Denmark


The cap and floor regime is the regulated route for interconnector development in GB. There are three main stages to our cap and floor regime – the Initial Project Assessment (IPA), the Final Project Assessment (FPA) and the Post Construction Review (PCR). Following our IPA of the IFA2 interconnector we decided to grant the project a cap and floor regime in principle in July 2015.

The Viking Link project is being jointly developed by National Grid Viking Link (NGVL) and by Energinet, the Danish transmission system operator. It will be a 1.4 GW interconnector between Bicker Fen, Lincolnshire in England and Revsing in Denmark. Our cap and floor regulatory regime applies to National Grid’s 50% share of the cost and revenues of the project.

As part of the FPA process, we conducted a cost assessment of the Viking Link project and set out our view on efficient expenditure which informs the project’s provisional cap and floor levels. We also provided confirmation of the cap and floor regime design as well as the financial parameters that apply to the Viking Link project.

This paper is our decision on the FPA of the Viking Link interconnector. This sets the provisional cap and floor levels at £111.5m and £61.7m (in 2019/20 prices). We will modify Viking Link’s interconnector licence to give effect to our decision. We will then confirm the final cap and floor levels for the project prior to operation at our PCR stage.