Cap and floor regime: Update on the Final Project Assessment stage for Window 1 interconnectors

Correspondence and other

In August 2014 we confirmed our cap and floor regime for electricity interconnectors and opened our first application window (‘Window 1’). Following our Initial Project Assessment (IPA) stage, we decided to grant five projects a cap and floor regime in principle.

In July 2017, we provided an update on progress with those projects. We set a deadline for submission of information for our Final Project Assessment (FPA) stage. This letter follows that update and provides our views on progress against that deadline.

Ahead of the FPA submission deadline, we asked each project to provide us with confirmation of current status, including an overview of the FPA information that could be provided by our deadline. We are confident that each project could meet our minimum requirements for an FPA submission. However, each project is subject to individual circumstances that, we think, mean a later submission is likely to be in consumers’ interests.