
Grid Code working group

About The Grid Code Working Group

The Grid Code Working Group was tasked with focusing on issues that affect the Grid Code.

National Grid and all users of Britain’s transmission system are required to comply with the Grid Code, which covers technical aspects of connections and operations as well as specifying data that users must supply to National Grid.    

In order to implement the regime, modifications were made to the existing transmission licence and its associated codes in June 2009.

This work was carried out by us with National Grid and other related parties, under the general heading of standard framework development. This reflected the fact that this framework would be common onshore and offshore.

The government took powers in the Energy Act 2004 (EA04) so that the Secretary of State (SoS) would be able to make changes to the transmission licence and industry codes for purposes connected with offshore transmission.

These changes were made with the commencement of the offshore regime at 'Go-Active', using powers under Sections 90 and 91 of the EA04.

In December 2010, changes to the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) and Grid Code were introduced to allow an offshore generator to undertake some of the activities normally undertaken by an Offshore Transmission Operator. These changes were also made using SoS powers in EA04.