ECO2 consultation on requirements for overwriting U-values for cavity wall insulation measures

Decision Consultation
  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closing date

Scheme name



On 8 February 2016 we launched an ECO2 consultation on requirements for overwriting wall U-values for cavity wall insulation (CWI) measures.

The consultation proposed a number of approaches that could be implemented to provide us with additional assurance that carbon savings were being correctly calculated under ECO for CWI measures with overwritten wall U-values. Our consultation was separated into three sections:

  1. Introducing an upper limit for overwritten wall U-values
  2. Stipulating the evidence that should be in place and how inputs could be collected
  3. A regime to monitor these measures.

This consultation closed on 7 March 2016. In total we received 36 responses, 33 of which have been published below. The remaining three submissions were confidential and as such have not been published.

We have also published our response to this consultation which sets out how we have taken into account the submissions received, and explains our final policy.

Respond name

Hannah Clapham