Consumer Empowerment and Protection in Smarter Markets: Updated Work Programme


Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Following our December 2013 consultation on ‘Consumer Empowerment and Protection in Smarter Markets', this document presents the updated work programme and sets out our plans for phase 1.

Our consultation included nine work areas prioritised across three phases. We also proposed high level objectives for the work areas in phase 1, outlined an approach to incorporating micro-businesses, and set out our intention to apply our Vulnerability Strategy across all work areas.

Our work programme maintains the same nine work areas, with a change in phasing for one work area which has been brought forward. The objectives we set out have been updated primarily to reflect key messages from stakeholders. We will address micro-businesses within the relevant work areas as originally proposed.

The main document provides our views against many of the individual comments and suggestions submitted by respondents. It also sets out our plans for phase 1, and how we intend to engage with stakeholders.