Eight Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission projects - Early Construction Funding and licence consultation round 2

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  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
Closed date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Transmission Licence

We are seeking views on the Early Construction Funding (ECF) application made by Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission (SHET) in relation to eight electricity transmission projects. 

Who should respond 

We would like views from people with an interest in new transmission infrastructure, meeting the net zero challenge, and competition in onshore transmission networks. We particularly welcome responses from consumer groups, stakeholders impacted by the project, stakeholders with an interest in the costs of electricity transmission infrastructure, and transmission owners. We would also welcome responses from other stakeholders and the public. 


The British Energy Security Strategy set out the Government's ambition to connect up to 50GW of offshore generation to the electricity network by 2030. In December 2022 we introduced a new Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) framework that will assess, fund and incentivise the accelerated delivery of large strategic transmission projects required to deliver on the Government's ambition. 

This consultation seeks input from stakeholders in relation to providing SHET with ECF to fund early construction activities required to accelerate delivery of eight ASTI projects ahead of receiving planning permission. 

Why your views matter 

We want to hear your views on SHET’s ECF application. We encourage respondents to consider the specific questions outlined within this consultation. Your responses to this consultation will inform our decision. 

How to respond 

This consultation closes on 10 January 2025. Please send your response to RIIOElectricityTransmission@ofgem.gov.uk