Consultation on the closeout methodologies for RIIO-GT1

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

Licence type

Gas Transporter Licence



The RIIO-GT1 price control ran from April 1 2013 to Mar 31 2021. Within RIIO-GD1 there are a number of cost areas that require specific mechanisms to close out given their uncertain nature. As a result of these mechanisms, some areas of the price control need to be settled ("closed out") once the price control has ended. We are proposing methodologies that will enable us to close out the RIIO-GT1 price control.

We welcome views from stakeholders on our suggested approach outlined in the consultation by 11th February 2022.

Respond name

Jon Sharvill

Respond telephone