Feed-in Tariffs: guidance on sustainability criteria and feedstock restrictions


This guidance is for applicants of anaerobic digestion (AD) installations that are seeking accreditation under the Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme from 1 May 2017. It explains the changes to our administration of the scheme and the new obligations on generators resulting from the introduction of sustainability criteria and feedstock restrictions.

Our draft guidance was published in February 2017 for stakeholders to provide feedback on. We reviewed all responses and, where appropriate, have updated the below guidance document accordingly. A summary of the changes we made following the consultation, and answers to specific questions that stakeholders asked, can be found here.

Update: On 12 June 2018, this document was updated to include a new chapter (chapter 2) on the adjustment of reporting period dates for installations accredited or applying to be accredited on both the FIT and RHI schemes as well as some further updates to wording for clarity.