RIIO-2 Draft Determinations Overview


Publication date

Industry sector

  • Transmission Network
  • Distribution Network

We have set out our proposals for a five-year investment programme of £25bn, with potential for an additional £10bn or more, to transform Britain's energy networks to deliver emissions-free green energy for GB, whilst cutting the cost of this investment for consumers.

Britain’s networks carry energy around GB to heat and power our homes and businesses, and increasingly to power our cars and other means of transport. They are privately owned and funded by you through your energy bills. They are also monopolies - you can’t choose your local network as there is only one in each area.

To protect consumers like you, Ofgem limits how much these networks can charge for the services they provide through five-year' price controls'. “RIIO" is the name for these.

This document provides an overview of our proposals. It covers the transmission and gas distribution networks and the system operator for the price controls running 2021-26. For full details, and to respond to our consultation on the proposals, view our consultation page.