Green Gas Support Scheme guidance


Publication date

Scheme name


The Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) is designed to support the deployment of new anaerobic digestion (AD) biomethane plants to increase the proportion of green gas in the gas grid. Support will be provided to registered biomethane producers based on the volume of eligible biomethane, produced from AD, that they inject into the gas grid. The GGSS regulations (as amended in June 2024) allow applications to be made until 31 March 2028.

This guidance outlines Ofgem’s administration of the GGSS. This guidance is for biomethane producers wishing to apply to the scheme, tariff guarantee holders, and scheme participants but associated industries and organisations, consumer groups and the public sector may also be interested in this document.

Ofgem's administration of the associated Green Gas Levy (GGL) is outlined in a separate document, which is available here: Green Gas Levy Guidance.


The version 2.0 of GGSS guidance published reflects the amended Green Gas Support Scheme Regulations which came in to force on 4 June 2024. This version of the guidance was first published for comment in May 2024. All changes to the document have been summarised in a separate subsidiary document. 

Recent regulation amendments

The amendments to the regulations which came into effect on 4 June 2024:

  • extend the period the scheme is open to applications to 31 March 2028
  • enable the registration of heat pumps so that heat supplied to the anaerobic digesters and biomethane production process from a registered eligible heat pump is exempt from heat deduction in the calculation of payments.