Publication of the Revised Ofgem Confidence Code 2017

Decision, Correspondence and other

On 3 July 2017 Ofgem published the document “Decision on the partial implementation of the CMA’s Whole of Market remedy & consulting on new Code requirements” (the July 2017 publication). In that document, Ofgem set out our decision to partially implement the removal of the WoM Requirement, and to consult on consequential Confidence Code wording.

This document sets out a summary of the consultation responses, our response, and our decision to proceed with the wording of the Confidence Code as proposed in the July 2017 publication. We have also set out our final criteria for trials that will test the impact of fully removing the WoM requirement from the Confidence Code. The results of these trials will help inform Ofgem’s forthcoming consultation on full removal of the WoM requirement as recommended by the CMA following its Energy Market Investigation.