Clarifying the regulatory framework for electricity storage: Statutory consultation on proposed modifications to the electricity generation licence

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

We seek to provide regulatory clarity on the treatment of electricity storage within the regulatory framework. To achieve this, we are consulting on changes to the electricity generation licence to make it fit for storage.

We consulted on the steps we intend to take to clarify the regulatory framework for electricity storage in Autumn 2017. Following review of the responses to the consultation, we are now consulting on changes to the electricity generation licence to add the definition of ‘electricity storage’ and ‘electricity storage facility’ in SLC1 (Definitions). We are also consulting on a new standard licence condition (SLC E1) to require licensees operating or owning storage to make available information to their suppliers to support the correct calculation of levies and charges.

This consultation will close on 25 July 2019, please provide any views before this date by emailing

Respond name

Andrew Burgess

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