Feed-in Tariffs (FIT)

Contacts, guidance and resources

The FIT scheme closed to new applications from 1 April 2019.

Read more about the scheme closure.

Please visit the Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme contacts page to find the contact most relevant to your query.

Dispute resolution

Key Terms

Find our key terms on our Glossary page.

Reports & data

Public Reports & Data

We regularly publish a range of reports on the Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme and its associated activity.

Feed-in Tariffs annual report

The FIT annual report provides an overview of the scheme activity and costs during a FIT scheme year.

Feed-in Tariffs deployment caps report

This details uptake and progress against each deployment cap, and also show when a cap is reached.

Feed-in Tariffs installation report

This provides a breakdown of accredited installations under the scheme up until the last quarter.

Feed-in Tariffs levelisation report

This details the total quarterly payments made by FIT licensees to accredited generators.

Feed-in Tariffs levelisation schedules

This details the key dates and deadlines for the Feed-in Tariff supplier levelisation process for both current and past FIT years.

Feed-in Tariffs quarterly report

This provides an update on scheme activity over the last quarter. It includes information on the number of installations and installed capacity under the scheme, in addition to the levelisation process.

Feed-in Tariffs quarterly statistics

For an interactive overview of data on the FIT scheme, view our FIT quarterly statistics page.

For a full list of our publications, including previous versions of guidance documents, visit our publications library.

For a list of active consultations as well as a timeline of past changes to the FIT scheme, please see the ‘Scheme changes’ section of our about the scheme page.

To view full lists of consultations and investigations from all of our environmental and social schemes arranged by status (upcoming, open, closed and so on), please visit our dedicated sections for consultations and investigations.


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