GC0143: Last resort disconnection of Embedded Generation


Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

The unprecedented societal changes brought about by measures put in place to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant reduction in consumer demand for electricity. When combined with certain weather conditions, this could result in electricity demand on the transmission system falling to levels rarely seen, introducing new challenges for the Electricity System Operator (ESO) in balancing supply and demand. The ESO has a range of commercial tools available to deal with these challenges, and is developing further tools specific to managing the transmission system through periods of extremely low demand. However, in the unlikely event that these commercial tools fall short of what is required, the ESO can call on emergency action to balance the system. This Grid Code modification seeks to clarify the nature of existing emergency instructions the ESO can issue to Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) to disconnect plant.

The Authority approved this modification on 7 May 2020.