Warm Home Discount Guidance V1 - England and Wales


Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Scheme name


The Warm Home Discount (England and Wales) Regulations 2022 extend the WHD scheme for four years year to 31 March 2026 in England and Wales. The revised regulations set out the requirements for Scheme Years 12, 13, 14 and 15 in England and Wales and detail changes to the scheme. A separate Guidance for Scotland will be issued shortly.

This new version 1 of the supplier guidance for England and Wales explains how we will administer the WHD in light of the changes introduced, and how we expect suppliers to comply with the scheme requirements. It provides additional clarity on the administration of the WHD scheme in light of our own and supplier experience of the scheme so far.

This document replaces ‘version 7.2’ of the WHD guidance published on 31 March 2021.

The administrative requirements set out in this guidance version 1 should be used from the commencement date, the date when the regulations are in force.

For any questions on this guidance, please contact us at whd@ofgem.gov.uk.