Ofgem ECO4 Administration Consultation Part 1 and 2 Decision


Publication date

Scheme name


On 2 November 2021 and 13 June 2022, we published a consultation part 1 and part 2 respectively seeking stakeholder views on our proposed administration of the policies outlined in the BEIS consultation response and included in the ECO4 Order for the new ECO4 scheme. Consultation part 1 and part 2 closed on 30 November 2021 and 18 July 2022 respectively and we received 16 responses for part 1 and 20 responses for part 2 from a variety of stakeholders, including energy suppliers, managing agents, installers and charities with an interest in fuel poverty.

Document overview

The document below is our consultation part 1 and 2 response which sets out our final position. In the response document, we summarise stakeholder views, present the points raised and respond to that feedback. We then outline the outcome of the consultation and, where relevant, how we have changed our approach.