Warm Home Discount (WHD)


This page is for domestic energy suppliers to outline obligations and explain the Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme.

From scheme year 12 (2022/23) onwards there are two separate WHD schemes, one for England and Wales, and one for Scotland.

For scheme year 12 (2022/23) suppliers with over 50,000 domestic customers are obligated to participate in the scheme.

From scheme year 13 (2023/24) onwards suppliers with over 1,000 domestic customers are obligated to participate. This will enable more eligible customers to benefit from the WHD scheme.

You can read more about our administration of the England and Wales WHD scheme in our guidance: WHD Guidance for England and Wales, and on our Scotland WHD in our WHD Scotland Guidance. For further information on our guidance or administration of the WHD scheme please contact whd@ofgem.gov.uk.

Scheme timelines

Scheme Year 12 ran from 7 July 2022- 31 March 2023 in England and Wales, and from 20 October 2022- 31 March 2023 in Scotland. Scheme years 13, 14, and 15 will run from 1 April of each year until the following 31 March.

Supplier obligations

Each domestic energy supplier is required to notify us of the number of domestic customers it has as of the 31 December preceding the start of a scheme year. Ofgem will contact suppliers requesting this information in January – February for each scheme year.

Ofgem uses that information to determine who is obligated and the size of their non-core obligations.

If you are unsure or a supplier new to WHD, we are happy to meet to talk the process through, please contact us on the whd@ofgem.gov.uk.