Update on competition in onshore electricity transmission


This document provides an update on our plans to introduce competitive tendering into onshore electricity transmission. As such it:

  • explains the outcome of our recent review of the criteria for competition (we confirm that the criteria remain appropriate) and sets out our process for applying the criteria to identify projects for delivery through the 'SPV' and 'Competition Proxy' models;
  • provides an update on the SPV and Competition Proxy delivery models; and
  • explains our intention to consider the application of the SPV and Competition Proxy models for all future Strategic Wider Works (SWW) projects that meet the criteria for competition and are subject to a Needs Case assessment during RIIO-T1.

Please note that Ofgem is publishing four documents today relating to competition in onshore electricity transmission. The title and content of each of these documents has been mapped out in the subsidiary document ‘Competition in onshore transmission: January 2018 publications’, saved below.