Heat Loss Assessment Questionnaire

Publication date
Scheme name
Non-Domestic RHI

A spreadsheet based questionnaire must be completed by an applicant where an installation uses external piping.

The “Heat Loss Assessment Questionnaire” must be completed when the medium conveyed through the pipework is water.

The questionnaire will determine the kWth that must be deducted for RHI payments purposes. Please see the Heat Loss Assessment Guidance document to help you complete the assessment.

The “Ducting Questionnaire” must be completed when the medium conveyed through the pipework is air. Ofgem will use the values submitted to determine the kWth that must be deducted for RHI payment purposes.

Both questionnaires must be completed if your plant uses pipework to convey water and air.

Completed questionnaires must be uploaded to the application form. Where that is not possible, they should be emailed to RHI.accreditation@ofgem.gov.uk. Your RHI application number must be stated in the subject of all emails.