Embedded Benefits: Decision on industry proposals P348 and P349


Publication date

Industry sector

  • Supply and Retail Market
  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network
  • Generation and Wholesale Market

This is our decision on industry proposals P348 (Provision of gross BM Unit data for TNUoS charging) and P349 (Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill).

Following our March 2017 consultation on industry proposals CMP264 and CMP265 and our consideration of responses, we have decided to direct the implementation of CMP264/265 WACM4. These CUSC modifications required consequential BSC modifications to ensure that National Grid has the correct data to calculate TNUoS charges and to deliver the CMP264 or CMP265 solution.

P348 is the consequential BSC modification which accompanies CMP265, ‘Gross charging of TNUoS for HH demand where embedded generation is in the Capacity Market’. P349 is the consequential modification which accompanies CMP264, ‘Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill’. Both P348 and P349 have the same proposed solution, and an alternative modification each.

We have considered the issues raised by the modification proposals and the FMRs dated 22 May 2017. We have considered and taken into account the responses to the industry consultations which are attached to the FMRs . We have concluded that implementation of option 2 of both P348 and P349 will better facilitate the achievement of the applicable objectives of the BSC and is consistent with our principal objective and statutory duties.