Criteria for onshore transmission competitive tendering


We recently announced that we will introduce competitive tendering to deliver new, separable and high value onshore electricity transmission assets. This letter sought your views on how to define and apply ‘new, separable and high value’ by 10 July 2015. The non-confidential responses we have received are published on this page.

The RIIO-T1 price control for onshore transmission owners (TOs) set out that strategic wider works (SWW) projects could be subject to third party delivery where it is in the interests of consumers to do so. Our Integrated Transmission Planning and Regulation (ITPR) project then considered and consulted on where competitive tendering could drive value for consumers. ITPR concluded that tendering new, separable and high value transmission investments could bring consumer benefits such as cost savings and innovation.

We are now developing the new, separable and high value criteria so that they can be applied to proposed transmission investments. This letter sets out our views on each criterion, followed by a discussion on potential ways to apply them. Jacobs, an engineering firm, has given us technical support and has engaged stakeholders in its work. We have published Jacobs’ report alongside this letter.

Respond name

Pete Wightman

Respond telephone