2021-22 Non-Domestic RHI Annual Report

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Scheme name

Non-Domestic RHI

This is the annual report for the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (NDRHI). It covers activity on the scheme over the 2021-22 financial year, including statistics on accreditations, payments made, a summary of our audit and compliance programme and changes to the scheme regulations.


  • In total, 21,982 installations have now been accredited to the scheme with a combined capacity of 5,481 MW.
  • Payments of £798 million were made to scheme participants during 2021-22, bringing the total since the start of the scheme to £4.1 bn.
  • In 2021-22, 10.5 TWh of heat was generated under the scheme. This means the total heat generated since the launch of the scheme reached 56 TWh.
  • 360 million m3 of green gas produced by biomethane plants was injected into the gas grid during 2021-22. In total, 1.7 bn m3 of green gas has been injected into the grid over the lifetime of the scheme.
  • Ofgem closed 521 compliance investigations this year. Where enforcement action was required, we either protected or expect to recover more than £1.5m in public funds.

Please note: For those wishing to look at the data used in the report in more detail, a spreadsheet with this information is published below.