Warm Home Discount Annual Report for Scheme Year 2

Reports, plans and updates

The Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme came into effect on 1 April 2011.


Under the scheme, Compulsory Scheme Electricity Suppliers who meet the criteria set out in the WHD Regulations 2011, are obligated to provide direct and indirect support to eligible customers. This is mainly through rebates towards the energy costs of customers who are fuel poor or at risk of fuel poverty over the period of the scheme.


Ofgem's role is to administer the WHD scheme and monitor suppliers' compliance with their WHD obligations. This is Ofgem's report on the second year of the scheme (April 2012 - March 2013).


The annual report informs the Secretary of State of the implementation and delivery of the WHD scheme during its second year. It is also aimed at gas and electricity suppliers and consumer groups, particularly those representing consumers vulnerable to fuel poverty.


The annual report summary document provides a high level summary of the information in the main annual report and is aimed at the general public and media.


Overall, support valued at £290.3m was provided to persons in or at risk of fuel poverty, with £283.3m of this being counted as WHD spend when taking account suppliers’ relevant Industry Initative and Legacy Spending caps.


All suppliers’ activities were predominantly consistent with their WHD obligations in Scheme Year 2.