Date of Meeting 22nd October 2013 Time: 13.30-16.00 Location: BIS Conference Centre
1.1 See Appendix 1 for the list of attendees. Apologies received from Hannah Nixon, John Scott, Robert Symonds, Nick Jenkins, Jim Sutherland and Ash Pocock.
1.2 Sandy Sheard (SS) welcomed members and confirmed that actions from the previous meeting had been undertaken.
Vision & Routemap
2.1. Adrian Butt (AB) presented a high level draft of the Vision & Routemap (V&R) document prepared by the Smart Grid Forum V&R working group. During discussion, questions were raised as to whether the V&R should be focused on the distribution networks or the energy system as a whole and whether it was practical at this stage to be setting out a detailed ‘routemap’ to delivering smart grids. In response, SS and Dora Guzeleva (DG) stated that the V&R should be focused around the widely accepted ENSG definition of Smart Grids with a specific focus on distribution networks and that broadening the scope to cover the entire energy system would make the document too broad, but that it would be important to reflect on the wider implications for the energy system as a whole within the document. SS confirmed that it was not the intention to set out an overly prescriptive path and that instead the V&R would set out a broader direction of travel, allowing for different scenarios and routes to deploying smart grids.
2.2. It was agreed that a full draft of the document would be developed by DECC with assistance from members of the SGF and circulated for comment. SS noted that DECC would also be contacting members of the Forum and SGF V&R working group to assist in drafting the final document.
BEAMA Workshop
3.1 Roger Critchley made a presentation (published with these minutes).
BEAMA recently took a positive initiative to organise a full day conference, targeted directly at SMEs, to inform them about the Smart Grid market and what opportunities exist for them. There were 55 attendees from 49 different organisations in attendance. BEAMA recognise that entry into the new markets can be daunting for an SME and this was a key driver for arranging this day to discuss the opportunities.
BEAMA has started a new Emerging Markets Group to cover Smart Grids, Smart Housing and Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure – this is open to SMEs and large companies alike.There are considered to be many barriers for SME entry into the Smart markets and these can often cause them to limit their engagement to pilot level projects. Additional support is required to help progress from pilot to BAU. Also, complex contracts/terms deter SME participation.
Information about opportunities and market progression is currently fragmented. There could be a role for WS5 to add value here.
WS4 - update
4.1. DB advised the Forum of the workshop and meetings that had been convened to develop the WS4 programme of work that had been proposed in the paper sent to members prior to the meeting. He drew the Forum’s attention to the work being pursued by the European standards bodies in relation to smart grids. This work was initiated by the Commission under its Mandate 490. He focused particularly on the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) and its relationship with the European Network Codes. The WS4 team had concluded that we need to better understand these initiatives and their potential impacts and DB proposed that WS4 could lead on this. He made a case for the UK to seek greater involvement in this work as our experiences (e.g. LCNF project outputs) would provide valuable inputs. They could be used to create use cases that could ‘test’ the SGAM model.
4.2. He reported that the WS4 group had been significantly strengthened recently with new members from the telecoms and built environment sectors. He summarised the proposed WS4 tasks set out in the note circulated before the meeting and asked for feedback on them. DG suggested that a more detailed breakdown of the proposed tasks was needed to give them proper consideration. SR said that SSE had already used the SGAM model in some of its projects. PJ offered a note of caution about investing resources in European initiatives, whilst recognising the potential impact of European directives and standards.
The Chair asked DB to:
WS6 - update
5.1. DG updated the Forum on the work WS6 has done since the Forum’s last meeting and on the WS6 plan over the next three months.
WS5 & WS7 - updates
6.1. GE reported that although progress with WS5 had been slow, an offer from the IET had recently added impetus. The objective remains to provide a UK smart grids portal that would provide intelligent navigation/search facilities across the websites of participating parties. Currently, ENA, BEAMA, IET, SGGB and academia (HubNet) are involved. ETI has expressed interest as has TSB. GE is hopeful that an initial output will be achieved by the next SGF meeting. However, this does rely on the active engagement of the ‘founder’ parties.
6.2. GE referred to the WS7 report that had been circulated before the meeting. This met the target set out in the ToR agreed by the SGF. No comments had been received by the meeting. GE explained that the report was essentially an ‘instruction book’ for the study. It would now be used as the basis for the process to procure the resources needed to carry out the work. This would be led by the companies.
ENSG - update
7.1. Mike Calviou (MC) agreed to send through the final version of the Cross Networks Project report when completed.
DECC Solar Strategy
8.1. Dick Cave gave a presentation on the recently published DECC Solar Strategy and next steps document which among other things highlighted some of the issues facing deployment of Solar PV including grid connections. Further work would be carried out looking at what could be done to remove any of these barriers. A fuller PV Strategy document would be released in the Spring 2014.
Horizon 2020
9.1. Horizon 2020, the EU’s new Research and Innovation framework, is the successor to the Framework Programme 7, the European Commission’s research and development funding programme. The first Calls for Proposals from Horizon 2020 are expected to be launched on 11th December 2013. The Commission is currently consulting the Member States on the content of the Calls for Proposals.
9.2. Helen Fairclough made a presentation about the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. She provided:
9.3. She explained that the EU Energy Focus service is a free, Government-funded service that aims to ensure that UK companies, research institutions and other organisations are well informed and have every chance of success in applying for and securing European funding for energy-related projects. Services include a telephone and email helpline, monthly email bulletins, one-to-one proposal clinics, specialist online support sessions and proposal review.
European update
10.1 GE drew the member’s attention to two European activities:
Any other Business
11.1. There was no other business. The next meeting will be at 13.30-16.00 on Thursday 23rd January, 2014, at the Ofgem.
11.2. The dates for the remaining 2014 meetings are as follows:
Appendix 1
Sandy Sheard, DECC
Judith Ward, Sustainability First
Gavin Jones, Electralink
Steve Johnson, ENWL
Tim Rotheray, CHPA
Dave Openshaw, UK Power Networks
Duncan Botting, PB Power
Stewart Reid, SSE
John Mulcahy, British Gas
Roger Critchley, BEAMA
Mike Calviou, National Grid
Ben Davison, OLEV
Phil Jones, Northern Powergrid
Sarah Bell, Demand Side Response Coalition
Helen Fairclogh, SKM
DECC: Adrian Butt, John Christie, Dick Cave
Ofgem: Gareth Evans, Dora Guzeleva