Regulatory Sandbox: Emergent Energy Systems Ltd - 2022


Publication date


Industry sector

  • Supply and Retail Market
  • Generation and Wholesale Market

About the Sandbox 

As the Guidance explains, the Sandbox can support schemes operating in different parts of the regulated gas and electricity markets. It can enable trials (or pilots or demonstrators) that have to be done in a live energy environment, involving consumers or interacting with market rules or the physical system: the Sandbox can provide innovators with bespoke guidance, comfort and time-limited derogations (relief) from specific rules. For innovators considering market entry, the Sandbox can confirm (not an endorsement) that an activity is permissible, and, where a rule is blocking an innovation, potentially remove this by way of a derogation. 

The range of activities that can be supported and the various tools at our disposal, mean that each Sandbox we grant will be bespoke, although we can expect common use-cases to emerge. 

While the Sandbox has been designed to help innovators trial or bring to market new products, services or methodologies, our mission is to support and enable innovation more widely. To that end, all applicants to the Sandbox agree to surface and share knowledge and insights that can aid in this endeavour. 

As this Sandbox supported scheme completes, evaluation and insights information will be added to this page. 

Emergent Energy Systems Ltd – Sandbox granted on 14 March 2022 

Emergent establish and operate microgrids within residential housing developments, helping housing companies deliver cost-effective decarbonisation of their properties, while keeping bills low for residents. They recognise residents on microgrids must be able to exercise their right to switch supply and are trialling a new industry methodology to facilitate the supplier switching process. 

Scheme name: Delivering the right to switch for residential customers on microgrids. 

Scheme type: Trial. 

Business model category: Local energy: microgrid. 

Sandbox support provided: Temporary derogation from the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). 

Supporting documentation: Emergent – BSC sandbox derogation 

Evaluation: Evaluation report due in September 2024.