Overview of our ‘collective switch’ trial: February 2018

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

In 2016, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) concluded that there was an adverse effect on competition in the retail energy market, stemming from a lack of consumer engagement.

Since then, we have been testing different approaches for engaging disengaged consumers and helping them switch to a cheaper tariff.

This trial will offer a group of around 50,000 disengaged energy consumers the chance to have their saving calculated and an exclusive tariff, negotiated for them by an Ofgem-appointed consumer partner organisation.

They will be able to take up the offer via the consumer partner’s website or by phone. They will also be able to see a ‘wide results’ search, showing them the savings they could make with other tariffs across the market so they can make a fully informed decision.