Consumer Empowerment and Protection in Smarter Markets

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closing date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Smart meters can bring significant benefits to consumers, helping them manage their energy use and expenditure, and improving their experience of the market. Smart meters also present potential risks.

This consultation document sets out Ofgem’s proposals for a work programme which will ensure that the regulatory arrangements facilitate the realisation of the consumer benefits, and that consumers are empowered and remain protected in a smarter market and in the transition period towards it.

This document also describes how our proposals build on the strong foundation of our retail market reforms, and of previous work focused on protecting consumers’ interests in light of the early introduction of smart meters.

The purpose of this consultation is to get stakeholder views on our proposed work programme.

This consultation has closed and was not progressed further.

Respond name

Bart Schoonbaert

Respond telephone