Decision to extend the MSC and the BAT beyond 31 March 2023

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

From 25 November to 30 December 2022 we consulted on proposals to extend the Market Stabilisation Charge (“MSC”) and the Ban on Acquisition-only Tariffs (“BAT”) until 31 March 2024, with new powers given to the Authority to enable both measures to be renewed on an annual basis (“November 2022 Consultation”).

We have carefully considered stakeholder feedback and ongoing energy market conditions, and this document sets out the reasons for our Decision to go ahead with these proposals, as above. The existing power for the Authority to end the MSC at an earlier date will be retained.

Changes to SLC 24A for the MSC and SLC 22B for the BAT will take effect from 1 April 2023, as will the renewed Market-wide Derogation from SLC 22B for fixed retention tariffs.