2023/24 Forward Work Programme

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Offshore Transmission Network
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network
Scheme name

Each year, Ofgem publishes a Forward Work Programme, which is a statement of intent of what we aim to deliver in the year ahead.

All of our planning focuses on Ofgem’s principal objective, which is to protect consumers’ interests, now and in the future. In 2023-24, we propose to further this objective by:

  • using our Consumer Interests Framework, to keep consumer priorities at the heart of our decision-making
  • focusing our resources on our short, and longer-term strategic priorities
  • delivering our core regulatory activities, and
  • administering environmental and social schemes for government.

We will also continue to deploy our resources to our investment and enabling activities, that make us a more efficient and effective regulator.