Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy 2025

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
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Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

We are consulting on our updated Consumer Vulnerability Strategy (CVS2025). When finalised, the strategy will build upon the already extensive work delivered under our 2013 Consumer Vulnerability Strategy, and will set out our priorities to help protect gas and electricity consumers in vulnerable situations until 2025.

This document outlines the scope, purpose and questions of the consultation and how you can get involved. The consultation will be open for eight weeks and close 8 August 2019. Please contact CDconsultations@ofgem.gov.uk if you would like to engage with us on the strategy.

Respond name

Meghna Tewari, Head of Vulnerability and Consumer Policy and Dennis Berg, Senior Manager

Respond telephone

Response documents