The Change Process for the Capacity Market Rules Guidance

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closing date

Industry sector

Generation and Wholesale Market


The Change Process for the Capacity Market (CM) Rules provides guidance to industry and interested parties on the process Ofgem intends to follow in order to make changes to the CM Rules. The CM Rules provide the detail for implementing the CM as set out in The Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014. Under the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) programme, Ofgem will become responsible for amending, adding to, revoking or substituting any provision of the CM Rules the day after the results of the first auction are published. You can find on this page the responses to our consultation along with our response to stakeholders and an accompanying letter. The final version of the guidance can be found here.

Respond name

Emma Kelso

Respond email