Gas Security of Supply Significant Code Review - Consultation on Business Rules and Legal Text

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Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Dyddiad cau
Sector diwydiant
Generation and Wholesale Market

The aim of the Gas Security of Supply Significant Code Review is to reduce the likelihood, severity and duration of a gas supply emergency. Our final policy decision document describes our policy decisions on a demand side response mechanism, the principles we think it should meet and how we plan to develop it. It also gives an overview of our final policy decision for cash-out reform, and our proposed decisions on how our reforms will work in practice. Alongside that document, we are publishing for consultation draft business rules and legal text for code and licence changes. We invite comments on this drafting. Our priority is to ensure it meets the intent of our policy decisions for cash-out reform and demand-side response.

The documents below set out our proposed drafting. We are consulting on:

  1. business rules on cash-out reform;
  2. associated Unifrom Network Code (UNC) drafting to implement cash-out reform;
  3. shipper and supplier licence drafting for the implementation of cash-out; and
  4. a draft licence obligation on NGG to proceed with a DSR mechanism.

Following this consultation on the business rules and legal text, we aim to publish a statutory consultation on the proposed licence changes by summer 2014 together with a further consultation on the UNC legal text.

This consultation has closed and was not progressed further.

Enw i ymateb iddo

Thomas Farmer

Rhif ffôn i ymateb iddo

Cyfeiriad e-bost i ymateb iddo