Modification of Installation Capacity Shared Ground Loop Systems Form

Forms, tables and lists

Publication date

Scheme name

Non-Domestic RHI

Before modifying the capacity of your shared ground loop system, you must first submit plans to us. We will then review and confirm whether your plan has been approved.

Any such modification is permissible only if the additional ground source heat pumps are to be commissioned as part of a Shared Ground Loop (SGL) and will meet the eligibility requirements of SGLs. The deadline to submit a plan to modify capacity is the 31 March 2023.

Modified capacity applications will be assessed against the available budget. Ofgem will consider plans to modify capacity in the order in which we receive notification of modification. Where there is no available budget i.e. the estimated total modified capacity would exceed the budget allocation for the year, Ofgem will not be able to approve a plan to modify capacity.

Completed forms should be submitted via email to us at

More information on how to submit any changes made to your installation can be found in our Easy Guide to Amendments.