Decision on the assessment criteria for derogations from the Grid Connection Codes


Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Offshore Transmission Network
  • Transmission Network
  • Generation and Wholesale Market

We have consulted and made a decision on the criteria that we should use to assess derogation requests under the Requirement for Generators network code (RfG), Demand Connection Code (DCC) network code and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) network code.

RfG, DCC and HVDC are part of a suite of European Network Codes (ENCs) that have been developed following implementation of the European Third Energy Package. Collectively we refer to these three ENCs as the ‘Grid Connection Codes’ (the GCCs). The ENCs intend to deliver a harmonised set of rules for the operation of the electricity sector in Europe.

The ENCs are European Regulations and upon entry into force will be directly applicable to GB without having to be transposed into our national laws or regulatory frameworks. Over the next couple of years, the GB energy industry will be required to modify our industry codes (eg the Grid Code and Distribution Code) to ensure that they are consistent with ENC requirements.