Decision to grant all licensed suppliers a temporary and limited derogation from various elements of standard licence condition (SLC) 22C of their electricity and gas supply licences

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

Licence type

  • Electricity Supply Licence
  • Gas Supplier Licence

Update 17 December 2018: Following our decision to modify rules in the gas and electricity supply licences relating to domestic supplier-customer communications, the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority has decided to revoke this derogation. Many of the prescriptive rules covered by the derogation are being removed, and the package of new customer communications rules (including new enforceable principles) captures the same policy intent as the derogation. We therefore consider the derogation will no longer be necessary. This derogation revocation is effective as of 11 February 2019 (the same date as the new customer communications rules take effect).

14 December 2017: The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority has decided to issue a market-wide derogation from various elements of standard licence condition (SLC) 22C which relates to the Statement of Renewal Terms (SORT). The objective of the derogation is to give suppliers flexibility in the format and content of elements of the SORT in order to improve consumer engagement.