Workshop on Consolidated Segmental Statements: Financial Accountants

Call for input
  • Open
  • Closed
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Generation and Wholesale Market

Following the publication last month of our initial proposals to the Consolidated Segmental Statement (CSS), SLC 19A and SLC 16B, Ofgem is holding an online workshop to allow financial accounting experts from suppliers to give their views and discuss the proposals outlined in our consultation document.

The date for this workshop will be 8 July at 10:00 to 12:00. If you have not registered for the workshop yet, you can still register using the Eventbrite link below and choosing 8 July as the date. The workshop will be held via Skype and details will be sent via email to all those registered closer to the date of the workshop.

To allow interaction with as many suppliers as possible, we request that one person from each supplier participates in the workshop. The aim of this workshop is to discuss technical financial and accounting aspects of our proposals with financial accountants from each supplier. Our financial accounting experts will be discussing the technicalities of our proposals only.

Therefore, we ask specifically for financial accounting experts to attend. If you are not the best-placed person to attend this workshop, we would appreciate if you could pass on this information to an appropriate colleague.

If you wish to attend, please book your place on Eventbrite by Friday 3 July.