Ofgem welcomes Energy Theft hotline launch, with Crimestoppers

Press release
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

Ofgem’s Chief Executive Dermot Nolan comments: “Energy theft costs the UK hundreds of millions of pounds each year and puts people’s lives at risk. This is why we’re working with the energy industry to clamp down on this crime. The hotline will be an important tool to help end this offense. We are urging the public to use it, and pull the plug on energy theft once and for all.”

  1. In 2014 energy regulator Ofgem put new licence obligations on suppliers and network operators in place, giving them the responsibility of detecting, preventing and investigating energy theft. It also required them to set up and run a centralised Theft Risk Assessment Service (TRAS).
  2. To report theft call 0800 023 2777, or learn more visit www.stayenergysafe.co.uk.